
I bring wildlife education to libraries, schools, youth and senior organizations, festivals, and even birthday parties.

I believe that children learn best when they can touch, hold and investigate. Children, who have experienced the joy of kind and gentle interaction with animals, are more likely to become adults who care about protecting wildlife. My animals are common exotics but the kind that many don’t possess. Children are captivated by them and are excited to touch these animals, and learn about the wild animal specimens I present. My animal artifacts are unique in that most will never get to touch its live counterpart. Such as zebra, caribou, kangaroo, skunk and many more species. It’s fun, educational and interactive. I provide biology, interesting facts and stories from my zookeeping experience. I also have taped sounds of various animals. Discover some unusual animal voices!

Education of our next generation is the only hope for the survival of our endangered and threatened animals. It is the only hope for the survival of all species. We need to teach children that there’s a huge natural world beyond their computer, television and backyards! Often I hear “wild animals belong in the wild.” But what happens when there is no “wild” left? As habitats rapidly disappear due to agricultural and urban expansion, wild animals are being pushed closer to the brink. When the wild is gone, there are two options: captivity or extinction. Let’s save the wild!

It’s wonderful that we offer exciting programs to children in the summer months, but it shouldn’t end there. I’m available year-round, weather permitting.

I would love to share my program with you!

A Live Animal Presentation
Includes three species of your choice with information on their life in the wild and in captivity. See the page titled “Animal Ambassadors.” on main website at

All animals are non-dangerous. Max lynx is in an exhibition cage or on restraint and never leaves my side.

Interactive Educational Game (Original games created by me.):

Who’s That Tail?” involves 18 animal tails on a pegboard, and you get to match the correct animal to its tail using a colored photo, and your observation skills. It’s not that easy!

Wild Faces!” involves a selection of closeup animal photos. With clues given by me, you get to name the animal. Think it’s simple? Guess again!

Track Match” – Match tracks to faces with or without clues.

Meet my Friends” – Carnivore, Omnivore, Herbivore – Do you think you know what an animal eats?

Animal Science & Fun Facts – Using specimens which range from furs, skins, antlers, skulls to claws, eggs and feathers. See the individual pages from the drop-down menu under Program description

Questions & Answers Session

Touch & Explore where you get to examine and touch the specimens along with touching the presented lecture animal(s) when appropriate.

Program fee – $250 plus mileage for a standard program. Exhibitions fee vary depending on the number of hours booked. Please contact me for a quote.

My fee for a live animal program with hands-on animal specimens is quite low. I understand that venues have budgets, as do I. If two venues are close to each other with program times at a reasonable length between, I will combine or remove the mileage as a courtesy discount. I’m the only wildlife educator in the Northeast that has a Canada Lynx as an animal ambassador.

There are permit fees to cross into Vermont ($100) and Massachusetts ($25). Each state has different regulations about what can be transported in and application needs to be anywhere between 10 and 30-45 days prior to the lecture accompanied by a veterinary health certificate for said animals ($20). Some animals don’t require a permit. Permit fees are in addition to the program fee.

In short, with Wildlife Education by Bernie you get live animals (some to touch & hold), an educational game, science facts using real animal specimens along with questions and touch time.

I will work with you to design the right program for your audience.

Availability times vary. June through August are my busiest months, so it’s advisable that you contact me early.

I reserve the right to substitute or change animal(s) scheduled for a program.

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